The shaving community is a tightly knit brotherhood of men who think of shaving as more than just a struggle with your stubble – To us, it’s an essential part of a man’s style. And this community is absolutely stuffed with fantastic resources on shaving, razors, beards and moustaches. Here’s a sampling of our favorites. Please pay these guys a visit!
The Art of Manliness
It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that The Art of Manliness tops our list (not that it’s in any particular order, anyway). This is the quintessential website on all things masculine – from careers, to finance, to relationships, to health, to (of course) shaving. The Art of Manliness has been around for over half a decade now, and they are the definite source on the manly arts.
American Mustache Institute
Reading The American Mustache Institute makes you feel like Wyatt Earp, which is pretty much the highest praise we can think to give any website. It’s hard not to smile when you rifle through the AMI blog. It’s full of snark and wit, and it for damn sure makes you want to grow a mustache.
Straight Razor Place
Straight Razor Place is geared toward the old-school shaving arts. One of the best things about this site, by far, is the community. If you have any questions at all about straight razors, these lads will be more than happy to help you out. You’ll typically leave wishing you could buy everyone of them a beer.
Classic Shaving
If you’re looking for a great private shop to actually buy razors, check out Classic Shaving. The guys over at Classic Shaving have a great selection of products supported by a highly entertaining blog rooted in pop culture and shaving culture.
One of the best things about Sharpologist is the writing, which has a knack for engagement, humor and wit. This is a good site to visit just for fun; they cover lots of shaving stuff, of course, but they also occasionally branch out into the broader field of men’s style and fashion. Plus, they have a great shop!
Bruce on Shaving
Bruce on Shaving is such an awesome blog. It’s a non-B.S. blog that will net you a metric ton of information any time you visit. But it’s not just information. Bruce has a knack for writing with incredible incision and insight, providing brilliant context to everything he publishes. This is a great spot for anyone who’s interested in the culture of shaving as well as the technique.
Grooming Lounge
Grooming Lounge is a really, really good resource if you’re looking for men’s personal products. And not just for shaving — although they do have tons of shaving products available — but also for other manly needs, like skin care, hair products and body care. They even have an extensive section for the more embarassing stuff a dude might encounter, like body odor and baldness. This is some seriously comprehensive inventory, fellas.
West Coast Shaving
West Coast Shaving is another iconic shaving site you’ll find mentioned pretty much wherever shaving is mentioned on the Internet. This is a fantastic resource you can use to find information (and to buy) shaving products from all the classic shaving brands. If you’re looking to be a part of the shaving community, this is definitely a page to bookmark. They have a great blog, as well!
How to Grow a Moustache
How to Grow a Moustache is a great facial hair entertainment venue. Aside from a fantastic blog, this is the only site on the list to have a podcast! So it’s a lot of fun, and having podcasts to listen to really gives How to Grow a Moustache a lot of personality.
Shaving 101
Shaving 101 is a one-stop shop for shaving. You can find product reviews, photo galleries and tons of information on shaving techniques. If you’re a beginner, this is really great place to begin your shaving education. Highly recommended.
Straight Razor Designs
Straight Razor Designs is a fantastic site if you want to actually buy stuff. They have hands-down one of the most comprehensive line-ups of shaving products out there. They offer tons of discounts to their customers and review all kinds of products. This site is just packed with value.